Recently I have had the amazing and heart warming experience of being called on by my good friend Charlotte to photograph her newborn twins, Gavin & Alexis. Char had her babies a few weeks ago and she was blessed with them a couple months early as I understand twins sometimes are. I was fortunate to get to see and photo them for the first time just two days after their birth. It is terribly difficult to see two premature babies hanging on to life and giving everything they've got just to keep going. I have never seen such an outpouring of love to these babies as I have from Char. The love is deep. These are her first children and at the time of my first visit she had not yet even been able to hold them in her arm. The best she could do is to reach in through a small hole in the incubator and lay her hands upon them. It was hard to see and I can't begin to fathom how hard it must have been on her. At the time both Gavin & Alexis were both intubated (a breathing tube) and being helped just to breath. They are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), ICU for newborns. While Char stood looking over one baby at a time I went to work fulfilling her wishes of capturing their precious and delicate new life with my camera. It was an amazing experience as a photographer and as a human being. Later, when I was able to send Char some of the pictures she was overwhelmed and emotional over them. She was home and not by their side. It brought her to tears. The amazing part however, was that she was able to look upon these pictures as if she was looking in on them in the hospital and she could see them any time she wished. I think this made her feel closer to them and gave me a warm feeling knowing that an image I had created was able to make such a enormous impact on her as she struggled being away from her babies she loves so much.
A week or so later I was back at hospital, camera in hand, with Char to see the babies again. Incredibly, as it was meant to be and as we had hoped for, I was able to be by Char's side for the very first time she was able to hold Gavin in her arms. To see little Gavin come out of the incubator and be placed in her arms was just numbing. Still hooked to the respirator and struggling to keep his heart rate up (through gentle stimulation) she held him close to her chest where his little ears could her is mom's heart beat again for the first time in over two weeks. I quietly snapped away while Char grinned ear to ear. I was capturing what I'm confident was the happiest moments of her life. Gavin did great and he looked completely at peace, like for the first time in his short but eventful life he was right where he was supposed to be. It was simply amazing to be able to be a part of this rare experience and even more so because it was a good friend I was experiencing this with. It was a day I will not soon forget.
I plan to get back to the hospital (it's an hour drive) every two weeks or so to watch and capture as they grow and become less dependent on the support they are so brilliantly receiving, and in a few months at home with mom, learning to crawl and walk talk. How great would it be to be their for their first T-ball game? Their first time off training wheels? Perhaps I'll be fortunate enough to be around to capture their weddings.
For now we just keep hoping and praying for their strength and fortitude that they may grow big and strong.
Love ya Charlotte, keep hanging in there.
I forgot... I got to do this on my birthday. By far the best gift of the year!

ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kindness in photographing my children Alexis and Gavin. It's not easy walking into the NICU and seeing my babies on life support. The pictures you took are wonderful in the fact they look so peaceful and yes I do look at them at 2:00 AM when I can't sleep and through the tears it brings peace to my heart.
It also meant alote to me that on day 12 of Gavins life I was able to hold him for 35 minutes against my chest skin to skin. By chance you were there to capture one of the most precious moments of mine and Gavins life. My heart quit aching for 35 minutes as I felt his toes and fingers moving against my skin. He looks so peaceful in the photos and again it brings me comfort in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep and the tears seem to slow a bit.
You are such a wonderful friend for capturing these precious moments in time. Gavin, Alexis and myself thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Much Love,
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so inspiring. I can't think of a better person to capture these precious moments. I know Char is forever thankful to you. As will Gavin and Alexis be when they can look back at their pictures. The struggles and the accomplishments that have brought them to this day. They are fighting so hard and no words can explain that, but the pictures, the pictures capture that.
It brought me to tears when I saw what you had done for the first time. You are able to see the emotion so well. As if you can tell exactly what Char is thinking right at that moment. Hopefully I will see you there next time :-)
ReplyDeleteI know that your visit was a tremendous blessing to Char, Alexis and Gavin. These photos are truly precious--a testament on the miracle of Alexis and Gavin's birth. God Bless you, Mark :) Ruthie
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much your photos of Char, Gavin and Alexis tugged at my heart. You captured the moments on film simply and with a gentle touch, and let the beauty of the subjects and the moments do all of the talking. Your words provide the frame for the photos, lifting the emotions out of the film and into our hearts. It was great to meet you that day - it was easy to see why Char speaks so highly of you. I hope you can add to your 'Twins' collection soon. I have witnessed Gavin and Alexis make enormous strides in their lives, and am confident that this is just the beginning. I can't think of anyone better to record their journey than you.
Take care,
ReplyDeleteThere are no words to describe the moments captured in your photos of Char and her new babies. Thank you for sharing them with us. Some day Gavin and Alexis will look back and see the start of their lives and see their mamma hovering over them like a Guardian Angel. They will realize how lucky they are to have a mother like her and how much she wanted them in her life. God has given you a gift and you are doing some pretty amazing things with your God given talent. I know Char really appreciated your time and effort to come and see her and the babies and to freeze these precious moments and to share them with us. Thank you, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI had the honor of seeing you from the very beginning of this journey. Your eyes lit up a room every time you talked about being a mom and starting your family. I have never been more happy for you and my heart goes out to you and your babies. I can't wait to see Gavin toss his first baseball and see Alexis catch it. It warms my heart to know you are well on your way to being the mom you always dreamed of. I know the path has been rough but you are very strong
but it's all in God's hands and it doesn't get better than that.
Please know you are always in my thoughts and congratulations to a dream come true.