A while back, before my website spent a month out of commission (thank you BluDomain, not), I purchased my first Holga camera. If you're not familiar with a Holga, it is basically a plastic toy camera which uses medium format film. Yes, film. Medium format is much larger than the old 35mm format you perhaps used back before digital. It makes for a nice big negative which results in much better enlargements, because you start with a larger negative. The Holga is a big clunky plastic camera with a plastic lens, manual focus, and that's about it. You really have no control of anything other than what film speed (ISO/ASA) you use and the amount of light you shoot in. It makes for some interesting images and a lot of wasted film learning how to use it.
Here are the shots that came out from my first couple rolls. These are digital scans of the film prints, with very little editing, just a bump of contrast and exposure adjustment for the most part.
The shots on the farm are from my friend
Mike Steelman's property, shot with the assistance of his little boy
Edit: I should be sure to not take credit for all of these. They're all from my camera but the one of the pickup and the one of me walking down the street, I did not take. The others I did (with a little help from the tiny but mighty Judah as mentioned above).

Monterey Farmer's Market

Monterey Farmer's Market

Monterey Farmer's Market


Unknown location