daughter over in Dennis the Menace park. It was a great place to shoot a three year old. The park was a great place to put her at ease and let her run around while I chased her with a camera. She (let's call her A) warmed up to me the moment I stepped out of my truck. A has the warmest personality for such a little person. We strolled the park hand in hand and had a great time while I shot her climbing and sliding and running all over the place. Soon the attention and cravings turned to ice cream. A was on a mission for ice cream. Perfect I thought, a little leverage. I am quickly learning that with the kids it's all about what you have to offer them. Well, I was the ticket to ice cream. I finally got some very sincere cooperation out of her and had her sit in a little tree and give me some smiles and even a little pout. I found that showing her the pictures on the back of the camera really peaked her interest as well. I had so much fun and for being my first session with a small child I think the results were good. Her mom called me later and said she loved the shots and that A had a good time. It's great to have a happy mom.